
Friday, November 27, 2009

AT&T 3G Coverage Map

Sure, Verizon has 5 times more 3G coverage than AT&T. But guess what? AT&T's 3G covers about half the population. So who gives a shit? Above, I have superimposed the AT&T 3G coverage map over the US population density. Looks like they have the important parts covered. When Verizon runs ads in DC about there being more coverage, IT DOESN'T MATTER! Run the ads in North Dakota, or Montana, or some other worthless state where AT&T doesn't actually have 3G coverage. Fuck you, Verizon.

Full disclosure: Yes, I have AT&T. However, I hate them. I have tons of network issues and thanks to their constant idiocy, my US iPhone can't do half the things that Canadian or European iPhones can do. Thanks and fuck you too, AT&T.

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