
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jon Schaffer is Batshit Insane...

...but damn can he write a great song!

He just launched his "Sons of Liberty" project. Basically he took all his crazy ultra right-wing/libertarian craziness and released an album. Low-res versions of the mp3s are available from his website (which I will not link here) for free. You can also buy hi-res mp3s from him for $8, which I did. The website also has a bunch of recommended reading and links and such and it's all craziness. I can sum up the reading list in one sentence: He recommends a Ron Paul book. Not crazy enough for you? Further down the page, he recommends Glenn Beck.

But guess what? The songs are pretty damn good! ...Until the little soliloquies at the end of every song. A lot of them are presidential quotes that I would imagine are taken out of context. The lyrics are very Schaffer-y as well (i.e. poorly written). Think The Glorious Burden squared plus Fox News-inspired messages in every song. And of course the lyrics are batshit insane. For example, "Our Dying Republic" complains about the 'fascists' trying to take over the USA. It sounds like he performed the vocals on every song. He does a damn good job, too. I believe the drums are sampled. They sound better than the RVG drums though. Anyway the whole thing sounds a lot like newer Megadeth. (The connections between insane frontmen and their fantastic bands will have to come another day.)

Please, Jon. PLEASE stick to Iced Earth! Stick to Demons & Wizards! Write about horror! Write about Set Abominae. Write about ANYTHING ELSE. It gives me such a headache to both love the music and hate the message simultaneously.

Oh yeah, and how did he officially announce his project? On Alex Jones's radio show. Who is he? A 9/11 truther. Excuse me while I vomit.

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