
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why The USA Is Doomed

I was a little late getting up the other morning. At exactly 6:01 AM, the north side of the DC Beltway instantly becomes a parking lot and remains that way until 9:00 PM, which is about the time they start randomly closing lanes to make sure no one gets where they're going. Yes, the Beltway works the same way Congress does.

How did I get so off topic so quickly? PERHAPS IT'S DUE TO THE RAGE I'M SEETHING IN.

I was taking some back roads to work since I had gotten up late, and I witnessed something that almost made me go on a murderous rampage. I was stuck behind a school bus that was picking up kids on a two-lane road. It was one of those routes they have now where the bus picks kids up at the end of their driveways, which pisses me off to no end. The bus ends up having to stop every 3 houses because no one can keep it in their pants these days, AND no one wants their precious snowflakes to actually have to WALK anywhere! In my day, which wasn't all that long ago, I had to walk to the damn bus stop, which wasn't even all that far away, and no one complained, goddamnit! And my grandfather had to walk uphill both ways and wrestle bears to the ground to get to school.

But as annoyed as I was for the bus having to keep stopping, I saw the thing that nearly caused me to have an aneurysm. The kids had been DRIVEN to the end of their driveways. The houses were on an acre or two. The driveways were perhaps one-tenth of a mile long. And the parent GOT IN THEIR SUV and DROVE their kid to the END OF THE DRIVEWAY! Then, after the bus picked them up, they would REVERSE ALL THE WAY BACK UP THEIR DRIVEWAY. The first person I saw do this I figured was the laziest person in America, or perhaps disabled or something. BUT NO! Literally TWO HOUSES DOWN it happened AGAIN! A few minutes later, at the end of an even shorter driveway, I saw another kid and her mom standing at the end of their driveway next to their running SUV waiting for the school bus!

These are the people electing our politicians. These are the kids who will one day grow up and have to make important decisions one day. We are 100% completely, totally, and utterly FUCKED.

1 comment:

  1. USA is doomed to flop sooner than you think! The buck will flop and fuck USA inside-out
