
Friday, October 29, 2010

Holy Crap! RVG:TZM was mentioned in a Real Publication

Northern Virginia Magazine had an article in 2008 that very briefly mentioned Recently Vacated Graves! Here's the article.

All they really said is "mucho props to whoever came up with that one." (That "whoever" is me.) Still pretty awesome!

I also found this great quote on another website:
This [RVG] is a mix of well-crafted classic thrash and brutal death-metal outbursts. There are also gothic/black metal passages accompanied by organs and keyboards where there is an inclusion of declamatory vocals, too, in addition to the "duel" between the deep growls and the black-ish vicious snarls. You wouldn't be surprised if I tell you that quite often do the thrashy sections get lost in the rest which is sad, since when they're there, the music really takes off.
I find that rather interesting because I thought Former Human Sergeant had too many thrashy parts and it was getting a bit stale. Nonetheless, this guy is going to like the next CD!

Friday, October 22, 2010

We Should Have More States

We haven't admitted a new state into the Union since 1959! We were on a roll since the late 1700s. By the 20th century we got lazy (which is a trend for Americans it seems) and barely added any more states for quite a while. I say we should pick up the pace of the 1800s again so we can have 100 states by 2100, damnit! But first we need to make up for lost time. Dividing Texas into 8 states (none of which may be named Texas) and adding DC and Puerto Rico would be a good start.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Update: Smart T-Shirt is Stupid & Impossible


I didn't notice the divide by zero, so even if you assume commutativity, STUDY still doesn't equal FAIL.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Europe 2010: Some Panoramas

Here are a couple panoramas made from pictures from my European trip last August. Click on them to embiggen.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Europe 2010: Stockholm, Sverige

More pictures from my August European trip.

Bacon in onion sauce. The Swedes are years ahead of us when it comes to food.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Europe 2010: Karlstad, Sverige

More pictures from my August European trip.

Toppings: ham, pineapple, banana, peanuts, curry powder. Not bad, surprisingly.


Passing time on the train....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grocery Store Brands

Okay, I know Stop & Shop and Giant have been owned by the same company for quite some time now (stupid Dutch), but is it really necessary to make them identical right down to the smallest detail? At that point, why do they even have different names? And why does Giant-Carlisle get off scot-free from all this homogenization? It's owned by the same evil Dutch company!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Dairy Meat

I was at a Target recently in Maine only to discover that they have an odd definition of "dairy".

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Europe 2010: Oslo, Norge

More pictures from my August European trip.

True Norwegian breakfast.


True Norwegian sod-roofed house.
This stavkirke wasn't anywhere near as awesome as Fantoft is in Bergen.

True Norwegian lunch.

Even the chairs in Norway are true.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Europe 2010: Between Bergen & Oslo, Norge

More pictures from my August European trip.

The entire train ride, I listened to Norwegian black metal. \m/

A shop in Oslo

Friday, October 8, 2010

Europe 2010: Bergen, Norge, Day 2

More pictures from my August European trip.

Damn right I had whale toast! It tastes like a tuna cow.

Reindeer sausage.

Outside the Leper Museum

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Europe 2010: Bergen, Norge, Day 1

More pictures from my August European trip.

Preparing for the grimness that is Norge.

Drinking Satan beer, grimly.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Europe 2010: Hamburg Part 2

More pictures from my August European trip.

The washcloth on the right is the one I used for my post-Wacken shower. Ewww.

The best/only Chinese place I've been to in Germany.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Europe 2010: Wacken Day 3

More pictures from my August European trip.