AUTEC is on Andros Island in the Bahamas. That's the big yellow one in the Bahamas logo.
Andros Island is a wasteland. It's largely undeveloped, and there are efforts to turn the majority of it into a national park. Its population is 6000. There isn't all that much tourism on Andros ... because it sucks.
AUTEC does a lot of deep water stuff, so it's conveniently located near the Tongue of the Ocean (TOTO). Deep water is good for acoustic measurements and such.
So having been there repeatedly, this awful UFO Hunters show made me want to laugh and cry. As a service to you, I have provided my commentary.
UFO Hunters Underwater Area 51 (Part 1 of 5)
- The existence of AUTEC is NOT "top secret." In the mess hall they have several civilian newspaper clippings of the opening of AUTEC, plus AUTEC has a website (link - which they acknowledge), a Wikipedia page (link), and it comes up on Google Maps (link). Plus when you fly into West Palm Beach, there's an AUTEC terminal and an AUTEC bus.
- They obviously just read the Wikipedia page.
- The water gets deeper than 6000 ft.
- The first former AUTEC employee sounds like he's reading a script. What kind of ship was he on? What kind of verification was done to make sure that the radar was working correctly? (A possibility which they then kind of entertain.)
- AUTEC isn't that restricted, guys.
- I don't trust the second AUTEC guy they talk to. How fast was it moving? Did anyone else see it?
- What kind of retards are they if they plan to walk up to the gate shouting "Where's the ET?"
- They're frightened of a Coast Guard helicopter?! Those things fly out like ever hour! He's slowing down because the helipad is right fucking there!
- They didn't actually talk to any security guards!
- Why don't they just ask someone what the underwater cables are?
- What would be the point of tethering a craft to the cables?
(I would guess the cables have something to do with the acoustic arrays.)
- Here's what's on the other side of the breakwater: a pier and a bait shop that sells beer as early as 9am.
- They fire missiles there? News to me.
- It's probably not wise to pick up an undersea cable under any circumstances.
- Why did he think the cable would be thicker? I mean really?
- Thousands and thousands of feet? That's not even a mile.
- The psychic spy they have is fucking retarded. I mean give me a break.
- It's not TOP SECRET if it says SECRET on it. Learn your levels of classifications (link).
- So the best evidence they have is a fucking psychic?
- The Frenchman is the only thing that can top the psychic. Like I can't believe this moron.
- Coincidences? Where?
- Interdimensional portal? Really?
- Oh now they have a time traveler. Great.
- Why don't they speak to any locals?
- Fuck the UFO Hunters. They're fucking retarded.
...And so are the fans of the UFO Hunters. (link)
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