
Monday, March 29, 2010

An Evening on Omegle Part 2

Last Saturday I spent some time on Omegle, which allows you to anonymously chat with strangers. Here are two of the real conversations I had:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: bye
You: Um, that was enlightening.
You: Thank you for your amazing linguistic skills.
You: I shall always remember this day.
You have disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: In which aisle would I find the mayo?
Stranger: the third aisle
You: From which side?
You: Or do you mean aisle #3?
Stranger: on the left next to the ketchup
Stranger: and no i mean aisle #2
You: So it's #2, but it's the third aisle. What's the first aisle? Produce?
Stranger: yes
You: Awesome.
You: What kind of produce?
You: Is it seasonal?
You: I hope it is.
Stranger: yes it is seasonal
Stranger: any season you want
You: ...Well then it's not seasonal is it?
You: It's fucking year-round then
You: Fuck that shit!
Stranger: its year round seasonal
You: You make no fucking sense!
You: You have RUINED my evening!
You: BYE!
You have disconnected.

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