
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What I learned today: Gravity freezes things?

You know, usually I like Non Sequitur, but today's strip hit one of my pet peeves: stupid people trying to sound smart and blowing it.

"The molecular structure of its liquidity..." If he's worried about the mud being solid, it's stupid to even use the word liquidity, which, I might add, is rarely used to describe something as being a liquid since it is typically used as a financial term. How about something involving the crystal structure or the altered physical properties of a solution? (Is mud a solution?)

"...coupled with gravity." I realize what the cartoon is attempting to say (i.e. jumping), but in panel 4 he doesn't mention jumping into the mud, only that he mud is frozen, implying that the gravity has something to do with the mud freezing.

Perhaps I put too much thought into my morning comics?

This is also why I can't stand that show Big Bang Theory. "WE'RE SMART AND HUMORLESS AND DON'T SHOW EMOTION. QUANTUM." I can't tell if the writing is bad or if the actors are just stupid. Someone please tell me they canceled it.

Coming eventually: When someone uses "I" instead of "me" to sound smart and it doesn't work.

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