
Thursday, April 1, 2010

An Evening on Omegle Part 5

Last Saturday I spent some time on Omegle, which allows you to anonymously chat with strangers. Here is one of the real conversations I had:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: I'm really enjoying this so-called "Internet."
Stranger: the interweb? how so
You: Well, I am currently having a text-based conversation with a person whom I, in all likelihood, will never have the pleasure of meeting in person.
You: It's quite mind-blowing if you think about it.
Stranger: it is, but technology moves foward, so this to me is pretty normal
You: And conversely, I would wager that it isn't mind-blowing if you don't think about it.
You: Which itself is interesting.
Stranger: i have though about it, just normal. technology what it holds is mindblowing ill give you that
Stranger: its potential
You: Quite. Observe:
You: Look to your right and tell me what you see.
Stranger: a wall
You: Same here!
Stranger: pictures etc
You: Describe the wall.
You: Mind has a light switch and a calendar on it.
You: *Mine
Stranger: brown ish paint, has a white door, wall paper, with my work resting against it
You: The calendar is on the correct month, as well, which is a bit of an anomaly for me.
You: Your work?
Stranger: univeristy work
You: Fantastic!
Stranger: how so
You: Without technology, we may have never known this about our respective walls to our respective right sides.
You: It's amazing it is!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you seem very easily impressed
Stranger: can i ask your name?
You: You can, but I'm afraid I must get going.
Stranger: lol
You: And for this I apologize.
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: no worries
You: Have a good evening.
Stranger: least i know youre american
Stranger: you too, well good morning here, 4 am
You: Because it's evening or because I spelled it "apologize"?
Stranger: apologize
Stranger: but i assume other countries spell it that way, mainly north america though
Stranger: so america or canada im presuming
You: Well done. I just had a conversation about the spelling of "offense."
You: ...with a fellow American
Stranger: lol
Stranger: offenCe :p
You: That is what I had to explain. HE also told me I seemed British.
You: Which I took as a compliment.
Stranger: no no
Stranger: maybe from your grammar
You: Yeah, that's what I assumed.
Stranger: well proper use of language from caps etc
You: Okay, well have a good morning, sir or madam.
You have disconnected.

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