
Monday, April 5, 2010

Idiot Drivers

What is it about I-495 that attracts all the morons?

Yesterday afternoon, while I was on I-495, I saw a BMW convertible driving around with a foot outside of the car next to the rearview mirror. It was the driver's foot! As I was gazing in awe at this spectacle, the passenger dumped some liquid over the side of the car which then covered my windshield.

Shortly thereafter, some moron in a red Maseratti was driving with his right turn signal on. Normally I would applaud the use of turn signals, but his was on for about 3 miles before I could no longer see him.

This morning, some idiot in a giant SUV wouldn't let me into his lane so I could take my exit. (Just to preempt some stupid people's comments, I must enter the stretch of I-495 from the left, and my exit is on the right, so such lane changes are necessary.) Anyway, he clearly wasn't giving me any additional room, despite the fact that my turn signal had been on for an appropriate amount of time. He was SURPRISED when I changed lanes anyway, despite the fact he wasn't giving me much room. Then he honked the gayest horn I've ever heard, especially for an SUV. I got off the interstate immediately, but his horn continued. What the hell is wrong with people?

(Again, to preempt stupid comments, it would've been even less safe to speed up or slow down to get in front of other cars. Missing the exit is also not an option because otherwise I would've ended up in Virginia, which should be avoided at all costs. I maintain that I didn't actually cut him off, despite what he thinks. I'd say we were halfway between a cut-off and a proper lane change.)

It seems people think it's all about them. I don't understand people who actively don't let anyone get in front of them. They are driving in Me World and if they give any room for another car to slip in, it could cost them perhaps ONE SECOND in their overall drive time, not to mention looking weak in front of all the other drivers. I'm willing to bet these are the same people that spout out buzzwords in meetings to make everyone think they're smart. I'm on to you. You're insecure or unhappy about everything in your life so you drive like an asshole. Oh, yeah and no one is buying the buzzwords at meetings thing. We all know you're stupid.

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